There is an ongoing debate over whether Korea economy is getting recovered or not.
The fundamental background that brings this debate is based on remarkable increasing in
Korea stock index-KOSPI.
There are any doubts that some index are showing quite optimistic signal in recovery of Korea ecnomy SUCH AS consumption index, export index and prospection to Korea economy index conducted by many research Institution.
even though this optimistic prospeciton, we can not have strong confidence in recovery of Korea economy. The compelling reason behind of this argument can be explained with several grounds.
First of all, we need to check index realated to consumption. None of us can deny this consumption is firmly based on consumption in Foreign contry. actually many of this consumption is derived from China and other developing contries. actually, US and other developed contreis are quite not that helpful in boosting korea economy nowadays.
Critical problem that I want to bring here is Domestic consumption.
consumption can increase when consumers have rosy future to their ecnomic situation.
however, considering jobless rate in KOrea, it can nor be infered that consumer can be confident in consumption. Actually , In spite of many shiny indexes in ecnomy, jobless rate in Korea
is contimuously decreasing since this depression is started invisibly-last september.
despite Fiscal policy and expansion on monetary by realatedd institution have been effective in huge part of economy, jobless rate increased by 3 percentage point comparing that in last september. That reveals that increasing in consumption index is not exactly due to healthy recovering in korea ecnomics. much of that increse can be attributed to increasing in Foeign consumption index especially china.
Second of all, the increasing in export has also relutant secrets.
2009년 8월 22일 토요일
Korea, Cunstructing new Town In central ASIA
Korea has been very successful to construct new town in Korea. Pankyo new town-which is ongoing project yet-, new Administration town in Chungcheong province is good example which show the adorable contruction technique in Korea.
It was quite impressive to contries in central Asia. An Increasing in recieving in contruction order support this point of view.
According to documentraty shooted by KBS-which is national broadcast company in Korea-,
many contries like agebizan? Kazahrstan,Uzbekistan?-are letting Korea contruction company be charges of new town project after checking their previous achievement in Korea.
These contries are concerning with increasing of urban population as Industry in urban area is being developed rapidly these days. Population are getting increased there are increasing demand in House to stay for urban workers. However, their techiniques can't meet this demand and it makes serious problem nowadays.
Because these contries have been in Nomard Society for a long time, staying in stable places and working regularly is quite awkward considering their cultural background.
And actuallly they missed right time to acquire modern techniques in construction during 80s and 90s when a building industy is actively booming.
At last, The government in central Asia realize that they need to learn advanced techniques to keep in line with other contry in industrial area. That is why Recieving order to Korean cunstruction company is increasing.
Consquently, This policy is beneficial to both contries. Korea get a good opportunity to show our skiils to other contries and it could be a great breakthrough to boost the economy amid economic recession. And for Central Asia, It could be a great chance to acquire advanced technology in Building industries. Moreover this tie between Korea and Central Aisa would result in cooperation in other fields.
It was quite impressive to contries in central Asia. An Increasing in recieving in contruction order support this point of view.
According to documentraty shooted by KBS-which is national broadcast company in Korea-,
many contries like agebizan? Kazahrstan,Uzbekistan?-are letting Korea contruction company be charges of new town project after checking their previous achievement in Korea.
These contries are concerning with increasing of urban population as Industry in urban area is being developed rapidly these days. Population are getting increased there are increasing demand in House to stay for urban workers. However, their techiniques can't meet this demand and it makes serious problem nowadays.
Because these contries have been in Nomard Society for a long time, staying in stable places and working regularly is quite awkward considering their cultural background.
And actuallly they missed right time to acquire modern techniques in construction during 80s and 90s when a building industy is actively booming.
At last, The government in central Asia realize that they need to learn advanced techniques to keep in line with other contry in industrial area. That is why Recieving order to Korean cunstruction company is increasing.
Consquently, This policy is beneficial to both contries. Korea get a good opportunity to show our skiils to other contries and it could be a great breakthrough to boost the economy amid economic recession. And for Central Asia, It could be a great chance to acquire advanced technology in Building industries. Moreover this tie between Korea and Central Aisa would result in cooperation in other fields.
2009년 8월 20일 목요일
Building a business center in University
There is an ongoing debate over whether a University should build a research for bussiness center or for agrucultural center. Some might claim that agricultural center sholud be accepted as a research center for several reasons-to encorage agruculture industry, foster more agricultural products or so on. However, for University, Building bussiness center would be much recomendable. The compelling reasons behind this is based on profitability and advantage for students.
First of all, Business center could earn more money compared to farming center. This is largely because many people try to register this center for getting business information which is more used frequently that of farming. Natuarlly this trends are linked to large profits. Moreover huge commercial companines would support many projects conducted by this business center in University intending to maximize their name value with advertisement. Consquently, large profit induced by bussiness center could provide more facilities for students and lower tuition for students which are huge problem for many students.
When considering this aspects, Building business center is more adequate for University.
Second of all, Businiess center can be more helpful to students in that many students nowadays get a job in private company-business field. If there is profitable business center with high quality, many students can get some help from it. Specifically, maybe one can reasearch business market using information from this center when he try to write reports or one can get useful job information about labor market area before graduation. Agriculture center itself could be useful for some students but cannot be comparable with business center. In Korea, many youth people get a job in business area and agricultural industry is declining more and more.
Therefore, it is evident that investing business center will result in more satisfaction on most of the students in University.
In conclusion, without any hesitation, Ii strongly recommend building a buisiness reasearch center in University. The reason is that an buisiness center is more profitable and useful for students.
All in all, the policy disregaring student's needs are not acceptable.
First of all, Business center could earn more money compared to farming center. This is largely because many people try to register this center for getting business information which is more used frequently that of farming. Natuarlly this trends are linked to large profits. Moreover huge commercial companines would support many projects conducted by this business center in University intending to maximize their name value with advertisement. Consquently, large profit induced by bussiness center could provide more facilities for students and lower tuition for students which are huge problem for many students.
When considering this aspects, Building business center is more adequate for University.
Second of all, Businiess center can be more helpful to students in that many students nowadays get a job in private company-business field. If there is profitable business center with high quality, many students can get some help from it. Specifically, maybe one can reasearch business market using information from this center when he try to write reports or one can get useful job information about labor market area before graduation. Agriculture center itself could be useful for some students but cannot be comparable with business center. In Korea, many youth people get a job in business area and agricultural industry is declining more and more.
Therefore, it is evident that investing business center will result in more satisfaction on most of the students in University.
In conclusion, without any hesitation, Ii strongly recommend building a buisiness reasearch center in University. The reason is that an buisiness center is more profitable and useful for students.
All in all, the policy disregaring student's needs are not acceptable.
통합형, The DODO
In the lecture, the speaker casts doubts on the reason for the deappearnce of the dodo
in the reading. The lecturerer maintains that humans were not the reason
why the dodo is disappeared.
To begin with, The lecturerer maintains that, the Cutch never hunted the dodo.
This contradicts the idea in the reading that since they had no fear of humans,
they were easily hunted by Dutch people and even thir animals.
However, The main argument described by the speaker is that the Dutch did not
enjoy the taste of its meat.
Second, according to the lecture, Dutch's deforestation did not cover the entire island
nor did it kill other birds. The reading passage, on the other hand, states that
deforestration by the Dutch destroyed the dodo's natural habitats.
In fact, the lecturer argues that dodos did not nest in trees, so their disppearance did not bothered the dodo.
Finally, The reading asserts that a disease brought by the Dutch may have killed the dodos.
On the other hand, the lecturer points out that, the dodo population may already have been
declining. Moreover, the speaker asserts that the extinction of the dodo on massive cyclones
that destroyed their nests and eggs.
in the reading. The lecturerer maintains that humans were not the reason
why the dodo is disappeared.
To begin with, The lecturerer maintains that, the Cutch never hunted the dodo.
This contradicts the idea in the reading that since they had no fear of humans,
they were easily hunted by Dutch people and even thir animals.
However, The main argument described by the speaker is that the Dutch did not
enjoy the taste of its meat.
Second, according to the lecture, Dutch's deforestation did not cover the entire island
nor did it kill other birds. The reading passage, on the other hand, states that
deforestration by the Dutch destroyed the dodo's natural habitats.
In fact, the lecturer argues that dodos did not nest in trees, so their disppearance did not bothered the dodo.
Finally, The reading asserts that a disease brought by the Dutch may have killed the dodos.
On the other hand, the lecturer points out that, the dodo population may already have been
declining. Moreover, the speaker asserts that the extinction of the dodo on massive cyclones
that destroyed their nests and eggs.
2009년 8월 17일 월요일
economic recession means fewer babies.
경기침체 시에는 일자리 감소만 있는 것이 아니다. 출산 감소 역시 있다.
경기침체의 시작이었던 지난 2008년에 미국의 출산율은 감소하였고 지난 10년 이래로 미국의 베이비 붐을 마가맣면서 첫번째 연간 출산 감소를 기록하였다.
일부 전문가들은 이러한 감소가 경기침체에 기인한다고 설명한다.
Emory대학에 Carol 교수는 대공황과 연이은 침체는 출산율 감소를 동반한다고 한다.
그리고 침체에서 완전히 벗어나기 전까지 그 숫자는 좀처럼 반등하지 않는다고 하며
2008년은 가장 적은 출산율을 기록한 해로 기억될 것이라고 지적하였다.
그러나 그것이 유일한 설명인지는 분명하지 않다.
또 다른 전문가는 최근 미국으로의 이민자 감소가 그 원인이라고 지적한다.
미국은 지난 해 4247000에 달하는 신생아 출산을 기록했다.
이는 2007년의 통계보다 68000명이 감소한 것이라고 국립 보건 당국이 전한다.
이 침체는 2007년 12월에 시작되었고 그때 이래로 경제는 거의 7백만 개에 달하는
일자리가 감소하였다.
출산율 감소가 가장 컸던 곳은 캘리포니아와 플로리다인데 이 곳은
지난해 가계부채가 가장 극심했던 곳이다.
"전 놀랍지 않아요" CAROL교수가 이 숫자는 계속 증가할 것이라고 지적하며 말한다.
그러나 이러한 출삼감소가 여론의 심리나 가족들의 임신계획에 미치는 효과는 2008년 9월까지는 그리 대단한 것이 아니었다고 보건당국의 VENTURA씨가 말한다.
물론, 2007년은 미국 역사상 가장 많은 신생아가 출생한 해이기는 했다. 과거에는 1-2 퍼센트의 출산율 변동이 그리 주목할 만한 것이 아니었다. 특히 2007년의 특수한 상황을 고려할 때에 그렇다.
그러나 금년의 감소는 통상의 트렌드를 거스르는 것이라 주목할 만 하다.
출생은 2002년 이래로 쭉 증가해왔고 출산율은 각각의 여성 연령 그룹에서
증가해왔다고 VENTURA씨가 지적한다.
새로운 보고서는 각 주에서의 이른 출산율 집계로 이루어져있고 출산감소가 일부 그룹에서 나타난 현상인지를 알려주는 인구통계학적인 분석이 포함되어 있지 않다.
2008년 상반기에는 2007년에 비해 출산이 증가했지만 10월과 11월에 들어
급격히 감소한 것이 특징이다.
경기침체의 시작이었던 지난 2008년에 미국의 출산율은 감소하였고 지난 10년 이래로 미국의 베이비 붐을 마가맣면서 첫번째 연간 출산 감소를 기록하였다.
일부 전문가들은 이러한 감소가 경기침체에 기인한다고 설명한다.
Emory대학에 Carol 교수는 대공황과 연이은 침체는 출산율 감소를 동반한다고 한다.
그리고 침체에서 완전히 벗어나기 전까지 그 숫자는 좀처럼 반등하지 않는다고 하며
2008년은 가장 적은 출산율을 기록한 해로 기억될 것이라고 지적하였다.
그러나 그것이 유일한 설명인지는 분명하지 않다.
또 다른 전문가는 최근 미국으로의 이민자 감소가 그 원인이라고 지적한다.
미국은 지난 해 4247000에 달하는 신생아 출산을 기록했다.
이는 2007년의 통계보다 68000명이 감소한 것이라고 국립 보건 당국이 전한다.
이 침체는 2007년 12월에 시작되었고 그때 이래로 경제는 거의 7백만 개에 달하는
일자리가 감소하였다.
출산율 감소가 가장 컸던 곳은 캘리포니아와 플로리다인데 이 곳은
지난해 가계부채가 가장 극심했던 곳이다.
"전 놀랍지 않아요" CAROL교수가 이 숫자는 계속 증가할 것이라고 지적하며 말한다.
그러나 이러한 출삼감소가 여론의 심리나 가족들의 임신계획에 미치는 효과는 2008년 9월까지는 그리 대단한 것이 아니었다고 보건당국의 VENTURA씨가 말한다.
물론, 2007년은 미국 역사상 가장 많은 신생아가 출생한 해이기는 했다. 과거에는 1-2 퍼센트의 출산율 변동이 그리 주목할 만한 것이 아니었다. 특히 2007년의 특수한 상황을 고려할 때에 그렇다.
그러나 금년의 감소는 통상의 트렌드를 거스르는 것이라 주목할 만 하다.
출생은 2002년 이래로 쭉 증가해왔고 출산율은 각각의 여성 연령 그룹에서
증가해왔다고 VENTURA씨가 지적한다.
새로운 보고서는 각 주에서의 이른 출산율 집계로 이루어져있고 출산감소가 일부 그룹에서 나타난 현상인지를 알려주는 인구통계학적인 분석이 포함되어 있지 않다.
2008년 상반기에는 2007년에 비해 출산이 증가했지만 10월과 11월에 들어
급격히 감소한 것이 특징이다.
off the campus life.
A growing number of people believe that graduating univeristy as fast as possible is better than remaing as a students longer. This argument is basically based on competitive social atmosphere which forces them to get a lot of money as soon as possible and as much as they can earn.
However in contrast to this main stream, I agree with the idea that students need to get at least a year of off-campus life before moving into real society.
The compelling reason behind this is that first, experiences are more important than fast graduating and moreover we hardly can get this opportunity after graduation.
To begin with, Experience can provide profound intuition toward our life which can not be obtained through the campus life. Even campus life could make us intelligent academically it has certain limitation in that campus life is inevitably passive life for many students considering scheduled curriculum. However experiencing off-campus life means students have their own choices to decide whatever. What they will do during the off-campus periods, how to reach the goal though the off--campus life.
By various of activities like working as an intern, travel, studying foreign language and such things could be memorable activities in students' life.
Second of all, after graduating there are not enough opportunities to experience something memorable except our main job. Maybe we will sork hard to get survived in this soceity even we don't want to. Probably you would regret your campus life and striving to get only great score.
for this reason, I think students are suitable age to get many experiences as much as possible.
In conclusion,I firmly believe that students need to get out of campus for more flourish life when they are college student. Because as I mentioned above, there are not enough time to get those previous experiences and even very trivial experiences can makes you grow up in long-term view.
All in all, the more experience we have, the better for us.
However in contrast to this main stream, I agree with the idea that students need to get at least a year of off-campus life before moving into real society.
The compelling reason behind this is that first, experiences are more important than fast graduating and moreover we hardly can get this opportunity after graduation.
To begin with, Experience can provide profound intuition toward our life which can not be obtained through the campus life. Even campus life could make us intelligent academically it has certain limitation in that campus life is inevitably passive life for many students considering scheduled curriculum. However experiencing off-campus life means students have their own choices to decide whatever. What they will do during the off-campus periods, how to reach the goal though the off--campus life.
By various of activities like working as an intern, travel, studying foreign language and such things could be memorable activities in students' life.
Second of all, after graduating there are not enough opportunities to experience something memorable except our main job. Maybe we will sork hard to get survived in this soceity even we don't want to. Probably you would regret your campus life and striving to get only great score.
for this reason, I think students are suitable age to get many experiences as much as possible.
In conclusion,I firmly believe that students need to get out of campus for more flourish life when they are college student. Because as I mentioned above, there are not enough time to get those previous experiences and even very trivial experiences can makes you grow up in long-term view.
All in all, the more experience we have, the better for us.
beautyontest on TV.
There is ongoing debate over whether beauty-contest is appropriate broadcasted on TV or not.
Some might say it is because beauty-contest is not different from other competiton in that competitors try to win for their goal.
In contrast to that opinion, I disagree with the idea that broadcasting beauty-contest on TV is no problem.
The fundamental reason behind this is that it is immoral and morover it affects children.
First of the reason I disagree with those opinion is that it's immoral.
During the contests , judges rank their apperance with their own point of view.
Judging someone is pretty or not, some one is fat or thin.
They rank the score on each girls and winner of the contest means nothing more than the
prettiest of all. This cannot be the appropriate goal to get by contest showed to TV-watchers nationally.
This is the reason why I disagree with broadcasting beauty-contests.
Second of all, This kind of show-rather than contest can maliciously affect too children.
As childrens are exposed to those show, they get have not appropriate standard of beauty
and it could be streesful for many chlidren considering their period.
Actaully we can get many news frequently dealing with children's excessive attention to their appearance. It can make children feel depressed and hinder them from concentrating other things.
In conclusion, without any doubt, I firmly believe that we need to ban this progam from showging on TV. The reason is that 1st, because the contest itself is immoral and 2nd, it can have a bad effect on childrens.
All in all, I believe that the importance of protecting children from those immoral tv program cannot be underestimated.
Some might say it is because beauty-contest is not different from other competiton in that competitors try to win for their goal.
In contrast to that opinion, I disagree with the idea that broadcasting beauty-contest on TV is no problem.
The fundamental reason behind this is that it is immoral and morover it affects children.
First of the reason I disagree with those opinion is that it's immoral.
During the contests , judges rank their apperance with their own point of view.
Judging someone is pretty or not, some one is fat or thin.
They rank the score on each girls and winner of the contest means nothing more than the
prettiest of all. This cannot be the appropriate goal to get by contest showed to TV-watchers nationally.
This is the reason why I disagree with broadcasting beauty-contests.
Second of all, This kind of show-rather than contest can maliciously affect too children.
As childrens are exposed to those show, they get have not appropriate standard of beauty
and it could be streesful for many chlidren considering their period.
Actaully we can get many news frequently dealing with children's excessive attention to their appearance. It can make children feel depressed and hinder them from concentrating other things.
In conclusion, without any doubt, I firmly believe that we need to ban this progam from showging on TV. The reason is that 1st, because the contest itself is immoral and 2nd, it can have a bad effect on childrens.
All in all, I believe that the importance of protecting children from those immoral tv program cannot be underestimated.
2009년 8월 16일 일요일
showing public opinion by celebrities.
There is ongoing debate over whether presenting private opinion realated to publical issues on Internet by actors or actresses would be acceptable or not.
Somepeople might argue that those behaviors of actor/actresses are not aappropriate because those cellebrities are public people who can affect public opinion of common people.
However, in contrast to the opinion, I strongly believe that celebrities have a right to show thier opinion involved in public issues.
The fundamental reasons behind this that at the first, they are one of the citizens who are protected by country's law and the second, there is not strong evidence which shows that their reference has huge affection to public opinion.
To begin with, actor/actresses are critical members on citizenes.
It means that they have a right to rasie their voice to support or oppose to a certain topic in this country like anybody else in this country. If someone try to ignore this right then he/she are denying the basic right of people in Nation to present their opinion with freedom.
Thus, actor/actresses shoud not be bothered to say publically.
In addition to the reason above, the second reason is that the there are not much influence on celebrities's opinion. Actually that argue is under judjing common public. Most people have their own opinion on public issue and not that easily affected by maintance of actor/actresses.
Rather, many people have a tendency to criticeze what they say. It is adequate process in democratic country.
therefore we should not ban celebrities from showing their own opinion publically.
In conclusion, there are no reason to prohibit actor/actresses from presenting opinion
they have their freedom to show their opinion and we have our freedom to show our opinion.
If that is not enough, you have your own freedom to criticize that.
Somepeople might argue that those behaviors of actor/actresses are not aappropriate because those cellebrities are public people who can affect public opinion of common people.
However, in contrast to the opinion, I strongly believe that celebrities have a right to show thier opinion involved in public issues.
The fundamental reasons behind this that at the first, they are one of the citizens who are protected by country's law and the second, there is not strong evidence which shows that their reference has huge affection to public opinion.
To begin with, actor/actresses are critical members on citizenes.
It means that they have a right to rasie their voice to support or oppose to a certain topic in this country like anybody else in this country. If someone try to ignore this right then he/she are denying the basic right of people in Nation to present their opinion with freedom.
Thus, actor/actresses shoud not be bothered to say publically.
In addition to the reason above, the second reason is that the there are not much influence on celebrities's opinion. Actually that argue is under judjing common public. Most people have their own opinion on public issue and not that easily affected by maintance of actor/actresses.
Rather, many people have a tendency to criticeze what they say. It is adequate process in democratic country.
therefore we should not ban celebrities from showing their own opinion publically.
In conclusion, there are no reason to prohibit actor/actresses from presenting opinion
they have their freedom to show their opinion and we have our freedom to show our opinion.
If that is not enough, you have your own freedom to criticize that.
2009년 8월 6일 목요일
Sports activity vs Library facilities.
As interests on sports activities are growing up, Some people think that University needs to
pay same amount of money as they do to library. I think they are misunderstanding the
main role of University.
Nowadays University provide many facilities for students not just for study but
it doesn't mean University cares about other things more than something related to studying.
Because budget of University is limited, paying to sports activity as much as to library means
facilities used in library would be not ecnough relatively.
However, the main reason that students enter the University with expensive tuition fee is
getting educatuon with high quality which could be attained by good facilitied in library.
Library itself cost a lot of money. Remaing it open during the day and extending hours during
exam-periods means extra fee to library staff and more utility bills for electricity.
If the budget for library is cut becasue of paying same amount money to sports activities,
service of Library must be lower. I'm certain that those plan is definetly against to
most of students' opnion.
pay same amount of money as they do to library. I think they are misunderstanding the
main role of University.
Nowadays University provide many facilities for students not just for study but
it doesn't mean University cares about other things more than something related to studying.
Because budget of University is limited, paying to sports activity as much as to library means
facilities used in library would be not ecnough relatively.
However, the main reason that students enter the University with expensive tuition fee is
getting educatuon with high quality which could be attained by good facilitied in library.
Library itself cost a lot of money. Remaing it open during the day and extending hours during
exam-periods means extra fee to library staff and more utility bills for electricity.
If the budget for library is cut becasue of paying same amount money to sports activities,
service of Library must be lower. I'm certain that those plan is definetly against to
most of students' opnion.
2009년 8월 5일 수요일
Television has destroyed communication.
Nowadays many people spend their time watching television. In fact a reserch shows that Koreans tend to spend more than 2 hours on average when they don't work.
It ranked the first among OECD members. Watching television itself is not problem.
I think many TV program provide indirect experiences and usuful information to people.
The problem is Television makes people shut their mouth during watching time and
concentrate on screen so deeply. It is the main reason to lessen familiy time in Korea.
Because TV is one-sided media, it makes people became passive. So it interfere people from
starting communicate with their loved one actively.
And it's not easy to talk to someone watching TV because they are concentrating on too much.
It is like saying that they don't want to talk anybody.
When I was young, My father turns on TV all day long sitting on couch. He looked like a
background in a living room. He did'n move didn't talk. Eventhough he did answer to me
when I ask something while he was watching TV, I really did not like to talk with him.
I don't know the reason.
But now I think maybe we can be more intimate without TV. Actually now we have
quite awkward realationship. If TV is not turned on at home, the silence is all around.
Somebody has to break the silent atmosphere but it's not accustomed to anyone of us.
Therefore I want to say that we need to turn off the TV and start to communicate with
your family or friends. TV makes people lonely. And as time passed, it became more difficult
to eleminate old habitant of watching TV.
It ranked the first among OECD members. Watching television itself is not problem.
I think many TV program provide indirect experiences and usuful information to people.
The problem is Television makes people shut their mouth during watching time and
concentrate on screen so deeply. It is the main reason to lessen familiy time in Korea.
Because TV is one-sided media, it makes people became passive. So it interfere people from
starting communicate with their loved one actively.
And it's not easy to talk to someone watching TV because they are concentrating on too much.
It is like saying that they don't want to talk anybody.
When I was young, My father turns on TV all day long sitting on couch. He looked like a
background in a living room. He did'n move didn't talk. Eventhough he did answer to me
when I ask something while he was watching TV, I really did not like to talk with him.
I don't know the reason.
But now I think maybe we can be more intimate without TV. Actually now we have
quite awkward realationship. If TV is not turned on at home, the silence is all around.
Somebody has to break the silent atmosphere but it's not accustomed to anyone of us.
Therefore I want to say that we need to turn off the TV and start to communicate with
your family or friends. TV makes people lonely. And as time passed, it became more difficult
to eleminate old habitant of watching TV.
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